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All lyrics © 2024 Tommy Anderson / Tommy Rocks ASCAP   

Million Miles  -  © Tommy Anderson / Tommy Rocks ASCAP  

You're a million miles away
And I am all alone. 
You’re a million miles away
Staring at your phone …

I’m right here
You’re right there.
I’m looking at you
But you seem unaware.

We’re in the same room
We’re in the same bed.
I know you love me
But instead

You’re a million miles away
And I am all alone.
You’re a million miles away
Staring at your phone …


     Be Mindful       Be here now.
     Be Present      Look around.
     Be Sensitive    Feel what I feel.
     Be Aware        See what I see.
     Just Breathe    Breathe with me
     Listen               Hear what I hear.
     Just Talk          Speak to me.
     And Smile        Laugh with me.

Love.  Love.  Love.  Love…
Learn how to Love
Learn how to Love

I’m right here
And you’re right there 


All Alone Together  -  © Tommy Anderson / Tommy Rocks ASCAP  

The planet keeps on spinning  
Yet the world comes to a stop  
A microscopic virus  
Spread by tiny water drops  

We ain’t seen nothing like this  
We don’t know what to do  
How ‘bout you look after me  
And I’ll look after you  

     Because we’re all in this together  
     Brothers and sisters forever (brothers and sisters forever)  
     We’re all in this together (brothers and sisters)  
     So like it or not, we’re all alone together  

Man goes into prison  
Doesn’t know what he will find  
The only thing he knows  
Is that he’ll be doing time  

And now you’re locked inside your house  
And now it’s only you  
So hold a mirror up to yourself  
See how others see you  

     Because we’re all in this together  
     Brothers and sisters forever (brothers and sisters forever)  
     We’re all in this together (brothers and sisters)  
     So like it or not, we’re all alone together  

You better Wake Up Now!  
You’ve been sleeping way too long  
Your house is on fire  
The whole world is burning down  

You thought living was easy  
When your eyes were always closed  
Time to open your eyes now  
And see you’re not alone  

     Because we’re all in this together  
     Brothers and sisters forever (brothers and sisters forever)  
     We’re all in this together (brothers and sisters)  
     So like it or not, we’re all alone together  

     Because we’re all in this together  
     Brothers and sisters forever (brothers and sisters forever)  
     We’re all in this together (brothers and sisters)  
     So like it or not, we’re all alone together  

     Because we’re all in this  together  
     Brothers and sisters forever (brothers and sisters forever)  
     We’re all in this together (brothers and sisters)  
     So like it or not, we’re all alone together  


Harmony - Released as a single © 2020  

I want to write a song like Jackson Browne  
One where everybody sings along  
One with a simple melody  
And everybody singing harmony Harmony ~  

Harmony  Everybody's sounding clear  
Harmony  Take these notes and put them together  
Harmony  Everybody singing along  
Harmony  The song just gets better and better Harmony …  

I remember how it used to be  
Things were just a little more easy  
People always used to smile  
And love lasted a long long while  
I want to go to a time back, when  
Lovers loved each other and friends were friends  
When everybody got along  
Just like the notes in a song ~  
I want to go to a time back, when  
Lovers loved each other and friends were friends  
When everybody got along  
Just like the notes in a song ~  

Harmony  Everybody's sounding clear  
Harmony  Take these notes and put them together  
Harmony  Everybody singing along  
Harmony  The song just gets better and better Harmony …  


What we all need is harmony  
What everybody needs is harmony  
What the world needs is harmony  


Nothing But Time - Released as a single © 2020  

Sitting here all alone in a room full of friends  
They say that time heals all wounds, but some wounds just never mend  
'Been close as I'll ever be to Heaven  
And I've spent some time in Hell  
And I've been as free as I'll ever be  
And I've spent some time in jail  

But jail has a whole new meaning for me  
Now that I'm alone  
'Cause these four walls that surround me now  
I built on my own  
And this old house that I'm locked up in  
Used to be a home  
I've got nothing but time now  
Just time to be alone…  

The door is there in front of me  
But somehow, I've lost the key  
So now I'm locked inside these four walls  
Where no one can see  
And all I've got is this old guitar  
And some old memories  
I've got nothing but time now  
And all these memories  

I've got nothing but time now ~ just some old memories  
I've got nothing but time now ~ just some old memories …  


I. Can't. Reach. You.  - from the CD “2020”  

I've always kept myself  
Out. At. Arm's. Reach.  
And now you've done the same.  
You're here. To. Teach. Me.  

     I. Can't. Reach. You.  
     But I can not just walk away.  
     No. I. Can't. Reach. You.  
     Still, I can not just walk away.  

Look into the mirror.  
Look. Real. Deeply.  
Look into your eyes.  
Can. You. See. Me?  
Can you just walk away?  Leave me hanging?  
So close yet so far. I feel you deeply.  

     But I. Can't. Reach. You.  
     No. I can not just walk away.  
     But. I. Can't. Reach. You.  
     Still, I can not walk away.  

I'm going off to bed.  
All. A. Lone.  
And you're so far away.  
Still, you're on my phone.  
I could just call  
You would not pick up.  
Just stare into your phone  
And then I'd hang up.  

     No I. Can't. Reach. You.  
     But I can not just walk away.  
     No. I. Can't. Reach. You.  
     Still, I can not walk away.  

No I. Can't. Reach. You. (I. Can't. Reach. You).  
No I. Can't. Reach. You. (I. Can't. Reach. You) ...  

It's Raining In The Desert - from the CD “2020”    

It's raining in the desert    
Manna from the heavens    
the sound of raindrops falling    
muffles the surroundings    

The Earth drinks    
plants are dancing    
the skies speak    
Thunder Booming    
The puddles reflect the clouds they came from    
the Earth and Sky become One again . . .    

It's raining in the desert 4x    

Father Sky and Mother Earth    
your children dance before you    
Father Sky and Mother Earth    
We all dance before you    

It's raining in the desert 4x    

Wildflowers spring up    
beneath my feet    
the browns all change    
into green    
the coyote lays down    
as if to sleep    
and the hawk flies over    
watching everything    

It's raining in the desert 4x    


Old Man - from the CD “2020”    

I see my old man out walking in his fields all alone    
His wife and his friends have all died and gone    
I wonder what he's thinking, does he ever think of me    
His only son who should have carried on the name of the family    

What kind of son am I? Does he think I turned out all right?    
Moved into the city, stayed out every night.    
Played some music, sang some songs, sat up on this stage all alone    
The farmer's son who's now full-grown, the prodigal son who never came home    

     Well the place I need to go back to is the place I left behind    
     All my life I've been running didn't know what I would find    
     Moved into the city, headed on downtown    
     Sometimes you can't find yourself with the bright lights shining down . . .    

It's Saturday night, I'm all alone    
I think I'll go down to Voo Doo Daddy's, and see what's going on    
I got some money, I just got paid today    
I'd like to have a few drinks before I fade away    

     But the place I need to go back to is the place I left behind    
     All my life I've been running, didn't know what I would find    
     Moved into the city, headed on downtown    
     Sometimes you can't find yourself with the bright lights shining down . . .    

I see myself out walking on the city streets all alone    
My friends and my family are far away back home    
But one thing I've learned, is that you can never go back to the farm    
You never get a second deal once the dice has been thrown    

     But the place I need to go back to is the place I left behind    
     All my life I've been running, didn't know what I would find    
     Moved into the city, headed on downtown    
     Sometimes you can't find yourself with the bright lights shining down . . .    

Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die . . .    
Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die . . .  

That Birthday Song - from the CD “EVOLVE”     

Well another year has come and gone     
And we're both still standing     
We've both had our ups and downs     
But we're both still smiling.     

     So happy Birthday (fill in the blank here) ___________     
     It's good to be here     
     Happy Birthday my friend     
     Have another beer     
     It's a pleasure to be called     
     One of your friends     
     But I can't believe you ain't dead yet.     

It don't seem like that long ago that we were both young     
But days turned to weeks     
And weeks into years     
And time just marches on     

Well the good times and bad times just blend into one     
It's been a great ride so far     
But I see one more bad day just on the horizon     
That's kinda the opposite of this one.     

     So happy Birthday you old hippie     
     It's good to be here     
     So Happy Birthday you old dog     
     Have another beer     
     It's a pleasure to be called     
     One of your friends     
     But I can't believe you ain't dead yet.     
     But I can't believe you ain't dead yet.     
     But I can't believe you ain't dead yet.    


Jerome - from the CD “EVOLVE”   

Hey babe   
why don't we run away?   
Hit the road   
call in sick with a cold   

     It's all right   
     It's ok   
     No one will miss us for days and days   
     By the time they know we're gone   
     We'll be miles and miles away from home   

We can drive   
drive until we run out of road   
Stay awhile   
Find a little bungalow   

     It's all right   
     it's ok   
     We'll make new friends along the way   
     By the time they learn our names   
     We'll be on the road again   

Live our lives in a little town   
Stay awhile and maybe settle down   
Have a garden and a lawn   
Three kitties and a dog   

We can live in a mountain home   
Maybe move to Jerome   
Watch the sunrise in the morning   
Spend our nights in the Spirit Room   

     It's all right   
     it's ok   
     We'll make new friends along the way   
     By the time they learn our names   
     We'll be on the road again …  


Heartbeat - From the CD "Tommy Rocks! (The Ukulele)   

Heart beat   
I can feel your heart beat   
Hearts beat   
I feel our hearts beat   

Laying   next to you   
I can feel you fall to sleep   
My arms around you   
I hear you slowly breathe and hear your   

Heart beat   
I can feel your heartbeat   
When you’re sleeping   
I can feel you dreaming.   

Sleeping next to me   
Like two puzzle pieces   
And in the quietest moments, I can hear your   

Heart beat   
I can feel your heart beat   
Hearts beat   
I feel our hearts beat . . .   


Sayonara Baby ​­(The Christmas Song)  - from the CD “Tommy Rocks! (The Ukulele)”   

Well, now I lay me down to sleep,   
I pray to the Lord my soul to keep   
And if I should die before I wake   
Well,  there could be a lot worse  ways …   

I ‘spose I could Die swimmin’ in the big blue sea eaten by a great big shark   
Or I could Die gettin eaten by a hundred piranhas while swimmin’ in the park   
Or I could  Die like the in movie ‘The Birds’ with them eating out both of my eyes   
Or I could  Die gettin’ stung by a million bees who are Africanized   

     But I don’t want to die without you   
     No I don’t want to die without you.   

I ‘spose I could Die gettin’ sucked up by a tornado up in the sky   
I ‘spose I could Die in my trailer house gettin’ burned alive   
Or I could Die : but being electrocuted is not my favorite thing   
I’d rather Die out in the rain gettin’ hit by lightning.   

     But I don’t want to die without you   
     No I don’t want to die without you.   

I ‘spose I could Die slowly ­ slowly ­ slowly by suffocation   
I ‘spose I could Die gettin’ hunted down by a pack of Komodo dragons   
Or I could Die gettin’ crushed by a big fat elephant up in a zoo   
Or I could Die drowning in molasses just thinkin’ of you   

     But I don’t want to die without you   
     No I don’t want to die without you.   

     But I don’t want to die without you   
     No I don’t want to die without you.   


Like I'd Like to Like You - from the CD “2020”   

You shouldn't live all by yourself   
You shouldn't put me on a shelf   
'Cause if you knew me I think you'd   
Like me   
Like me   
Like me   

It's a sign of the times   
And look at me   

Rhyming rhymes   
Look at the clock   
There goes the time   
The clock's going   
Tick tock   
Tick tock   
Tick tock   
Tick tock   

It's a sign of the times   
And look at me   

Rhyming rhymes   
Look at the clock   
There goes the time   
The clock's going   
Tick tock   
  Tick tock   
    Tick tock   
      Tick tock   

I shouldn't live all by myself   
I think I'd like you in my life   
'Cause if I knew you I think I'd   
Like You   
Like You   
Like You   
Like You  



Rest Home - from the CD "Whatever"   

Rest homes, restrooms   
Wayside rests and acid tests and   
Growin’ old, old and stale   
Just waitin’ to die and go to hell   

Shouldn’t be so cynical but the world is so tyrannical   
And whatcha goin’ to do anyway?   

Put me in a rest home   
I need the rest anyway . . .   

Now I could be mistaken but it always seemed to me   
That a man is just as old as he believes himself to be   
Now I was 30 at 18 and 12 when I was 10   
So when I’m 80 don’t try and cage me,   
I’ll still be going strong by then   

Now ‘bout the time I’m 60 I should be about 21   
That’s the time I put away for havin’ all my fun   
Well, life of booze and women ain’t as bad as it seems   
At 65 I’ll find a girl just bustin’ out’o her jeans . . .   

And she can put me in a rest home   
I’ll need the rest, I’m sure . . .   

Just kickin' on back in a rest home   
And takin’ all my meds in a rest home   
And gettin' up at noon in a rest home   
And eatin' pureed vegetables in a rest home   
And chasin' the phlebotomists in a rest home   
And messin' with all them nurses in a rest home   

Hope I don't die before I get old . . .   


Teacher - from the CD "Whatever"   

Teacher can you tell me what it’s all about   
Just this one time help me out   
I really don’t know what to think   
And I really don’t know quite what to do   
I guess I’ll just count on you   

Can you tell me why my family is fallin’ apart   
If things were going to get so bad   
Then why’d they even start?   
Can you tell me why my dad don’t love my mom?   
Can you tell me Teach? Come on, help me out   

     'Cause I’ve never been down this road before   
     I guess I’m on my way   

Can you tell me why people fight?   
If they would just talk about it–   
Well then maybe they'd see the light   

Can you tell me why things gotta change?   
Why can’t they just always stay the same   

     'Cause I’ve never been down this road before   
     I guess I’m on my way   

Sometimes it feels like:   
I've got no eyes - sometimes I just can't see   
I've got no ears - things just don't get through to me   
It's like I've got no hands - sometimes I just can't feel   
It's like I've got no mind - nothin will ever learn me   

     'Cause I’ve never been down this road before   
     I guess I’m on my way   

So teacher can you tell me what it’s all about   
Just this one time help me out . . .  


You Can't Fall Out Of Love - Released as a single © 2020   

If you love somebody, you've got to set them free   
If they love you, they will always be   
I thought it was love, but it was only neglect   
It's been a year, but I still don't get it   

     You can't fall out of love; it's so easy to fall in   
     You can't fall out of love, there's no way to begin   
     You can't fall out of love, you just walk away   
     Try to survive day to day   
     You can't fall out of love.   

The day begins, sad and alone   
I work hard all day, then I come back home   
But a home without love is just a house   
Four walls to hide inside and keep the outside out ~   

     You can't fall out of love; it's so easy to fall in   
     You can't fall out of love, there's no way to begin   
     You can't fall out of love, you just walk away   
     Try to survive day to day   
     You can't fall out of love.   

Every girl I meet, just reminds me of you   
Everyone tells me I've got to find somebody new   
But now you're left and now you're gone   
I'm left here alone, it's time to be moving on.   

     You can't fall out of love; it's so easy to fall in   
     You can't fall out of love, there's no way to begin   
     You can't fall out of love, you just walk away   
     Try to survive day to day   
     You can't fall out of love.   


The Wedding Song  (Forever and a Day) - Unreleased   

Here we are on the edge of forever;   
We’ve been strangers most of our lives.   
But that’s in the past – now we’re together –   
And soon we’ll be husband and wife.   

I’ll never forget the first time I met you   
We were so happy right from the start.   
Our first summer was the best of my lifetime.   
By the end -  you had found your way  – into my heart . . .   

     I will love you for the rest of my life,   
     And I’m so happy you said you’d be my wife.   
     We’re here today, under God above,   
     Sweetheart, you’ll always be my love . . .   

In the future, we’ll grow more in love together,   
Lovers and friends, our love sanctified.   
Blessed by angels, and blessed with perfect lives   
We’ll go through life as partners – together, side by side.   

     I will love you for the rest of my life,   
     And I’m so happy you said you’d be my wife.   
     We’re here today, under God above,   
     Sweetheart, you’ll always be my love . . .   

When we’re old and gray, I’ll be right beside you,   
And we’ll look back on our golden lives.   
No regrets – our lives will have been blessed,   
You’ll see I kept my promise – All the while . . .   

     I will love you for the rest of my life,   
     And I’m so happy you said you’d be my wife.   
     We’re here today, under God above,   
     Sweetheart, you’ll always be my love   
     Sweetheart, you’ll always be my love   
     Sweetheart, you’ll always be my love   


4th of July   - Tommy Anderson  ©  24 July 2018   

What would it be like if you could be 16 again?   
Have a girlfriend, walk around holding hands.   
The difference is you could still be this old   
16 again and knowing all that you know now.   

16  years old, but now you drive a fancy car   
Have all the money you want you own 20-some guitars   
‘Cause in ‘real-life’ you don’t have to be as old as you are   
You can be 16 years old again in your mind if you want to   

     Every day, every day’s the 4th of July   
     Every night, fireworks light up the sky   
     Wake in the morning,  and do it all over again   
     Now every day,  every day’s the 4th of  July   

     Every day, every day’s the 4th of July   
     Every night, fireworks light up the sky   
     Wake in the morning, and do it all over again   
     And thinking back on this year, I remember when :   

January  was so cold and   
Valentine’s Day I was alone   
March the month went marching by   
And April birthday I was high and dry   
Then May & June turned into July and that’s when you found me,   
Now every day, every day’s the 4th of July   

     Every day, every day’s the 4th of July   
     Every night, fireworks light up the sky   
     Wake in the morning, and do it all over again   
     Now every day, every day’s the 4th of  July   
     the 4th of July … the 4th of July … the 4th of July … the 4th of July ...   


DayDream - Tommy Anderson © Oct. 17, 2018   

Day. Time. Day. Dream.   
Night. Time. I. Dream.   
It’s not as it seems.   
Re. Al. It. Ee.   

Time. Goes. So. Fast.   
Stop. The. Clock. Hands.   
Nothing. Seems. To. Last.   
Future. Is. Past.   

     Should I follow my dreams   
     Or face reality?   
     If you saw it coming   
     you would run away screaming ...   

I don't believe all I see   
live inside a dream   
that’s my Reality   
Safety calling.   

Don’t. Trust. All you see.   
Ques. Tion.  Real. Ity.   
Just. Believe.   
It's all a dream ...   


Welcome to the 21st Century  - from the CD “2020”   

Well, people, we've been on one big ride   
Watching politics from the side   
2016 was quite a year   
It's like 1969's here again   

I guess Jesus don't need me on his side   
He's got all his people walking around carrying signs   
He's got the billboards and he's got radio   
47 channels of tv shows . . .   

     This ain't the way it's supposed to be   
     When you're living in a true Democracy   
     But things ain't gonna be how they used to be   
     Welcome to the 21st Century   

Now they say that I'm left but I know I'm right   
I can see with my own two eyes   
And my ears work perfectly   
I can hear the lies that they're telling me   

And they say they're right but I know that they're wrong   
They want to use God to divide us all   
Don't give women the right to choose   
And if you're gay baby, you're going to lose   

And if you're not legal baby, you got to go   
Leave your life here and go back home   
And if you're progressive, they don't like that   
Don't like us radical democrats   

     This ain't the way it's supposed to be   
     When you're living in a free Democracy   
     But this is the way that it's going to be   
     Welcome to the 21st Century   

But just because we're down doesn't mean that we're out   
United we stand, brother - divided we fall   
So remember that the Price of Liberty   
It begins with you - it begins with me . . .   

     This ain't the way it's supposed to be   
     When you're living in a free Democracy   
     But this is the way that it's going to be   
     Welcome to the 21st Century


Love Where Are You Now - from the CD “EVOLVE”   

No one has to tell me that she's sad   
And I wonder how all this happened   
Whatever happened to the love we had?   
Whatever happened to the love we shared   

     Is it too late now, is it gone forever?   
     Love, where are you now?   

I can think of nothing quite so sad   
As throwing away the best thing you ever had   
But without you in my life, I'm lost   
Lost and lonely . . .   

     Is it too late now, is it gone forever?   
     Love, where are you now?   

I don't need to tell you how I feel   
The words on this page are too real   
Where have I been all these years?   
Tryin' to find the bottom of a beer   

     Is it too late now, is it gone forever?   
     Love, where are you now?  


That’s The Sound  – From the CD "Tommy Rocks! (The Ukulele)   

Listen to the wind in the trees   
Listen to the words in the breeze   
Now that you & I  are apart   
That’s the sound of the breaking of my heart.   

Listen to the sound of the stream   
Listen to your deepest dreams   
But now that you & I are apart   
That’s the sound of the breaking of my heart.   

Thinking back on all the good times   
Hear the echoes of words in my mind   
But now that you & I are apart   
That’s the sound of the breaking of my heart.   
That’s the sound of the breaking of my heart.   
That’s the sound of the   


White and Black - Unreleased  

When I’m drivin’ on down to the laundromat  
it’s usually after a show or sumpin’ like that  
I take my clothes down to Mr. Lo  
He say, “ You come back now afta 5, you know”  

Then I’m drivin’ in my car on down the street  
look for a subway or sumpin’ to eat  
I’m a drivin’ high and riding low -  
When I come up to a stop sign and say, “Yo!”  
“ Yo, ladies, say, I’m lost - can you help a poor boy out,  
Whaddya say?  

Well then time goes by - we’re talking and then I say  
“Whaccha doin tonight? Wanna see a great show?  
I’m playin tonight don’t cha know  
Whyn’t cha come on down to Stevie’s Place  
I think I’m goin on just after 8,  
Maybe they’ll let you in if you say it’s just you  
Or maybe, you could bring a grlfriend or two  
Just no twelve ton fish stick or nuttin like that  
Maybe just me and you and a friend or two  
just no twelve ton fish stick or nuttin like that  
Maybe just me and you and a friend or two  

Well I’m drivin down the road it’s after a show  
It’s nighttime, there’s no no else on the road  
It’s just me and 5-0, and he’s looking at me  
And I say,"Hey,I got nothing, I'm just goin' home, you see"  

And the streetlights are shinin across a black sky  
And everything takes on a surreal quality  
And everything it’s just white and black  
Everything it’s just white and black  
Everything it’s just white and black  
Everything it’s just white and black  
Everything it’s just white and black  
Everything it’s just white and black  


Jump Back - From the CD "Pocketful of Pesos"  

I can remember when I was all on my own  
it doesn’t seem that long ago  
Like I say – I can remember way back when  
When the evening started after ten . . .  

     Jump back  
     Jump back people  
     I say jump back (jump back baby)  
     Jump back in time – it’s easy don’t you see  

I remember how the ladies all looked  
Man, they were looking fine  
How they’d all be wearing those tight fittin dresses  
and their hair done up and looking fine  

I remember, O Lord, just how they smelled  
And I remember how their lips just felt  
do you remember it, do you remember it?  

     Jump back  
     Jump back people  
     I say jump back (jump back baby)  
     Jump back in time – it’s easy don’t you see  


That'll Teach Ya - From the CD "Pocketful of Pesos"  

'Bout the time you finally got it all figured out,  
Something comes at ya, outta nowhere at all.  
'bout the time you're finally waking up,  
you say, "That'll teach you."  

Signs and Omens Seem to be all around  
I'm just not good at seeing them  
Don't think I'll ever learn  
Hit you like a bug on a windshield  
Didn't see it coming at all  
I'm moving way too fast to notice things too small  

It used to be that we would talk on the phone  
But now she's gone gone gone gone - gone  
And now I'm on my own  
I guess that'll teach ya  
Yes, that'll teach ya  
Oh, that'll teach ya  


Paradise  - From the CD "Whatever"  

You are on the road you’ve left it all behind  
And everywhere you look everything reminds you  
Lines on the road and telephone poles  
The miles pass away and the road goes on and on . . .  

People and places in your mind  
Are right where you left them – far behind  
And you know you can’t go back not this time  
You’ve chosen a new life and it’s do or die  

     When you lose yourself look inside of you  
     Fly to Paradise      it's just on the horizon  
     There’s so much in life if you could only try  
     Fly to Paradise It’s all inside you . . .  

Paradise is all around you  
If you look deep enough you will find it in you  
Look all around look deep in my eyes  
Look deep into my soul and there you'll find  

     Your baggage is as heavy as you make it  
     If you’ve had bad luck you’ve got to break it  
     Your future is your own you have to make it  
     And you can't fool yourself no you can’t fake it  

So look for me in Paradise  
And I will look for you in Paradise  

So look for me in Paradise  
And I will look for you in Paradise  

So look for me in Paradise  
And I will look for you in Paradise  


Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars - From the CD "Pocketful of Pesos"  

You know what I’d really like?  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars.  
You know what I really need?  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars.  

Paper contracts and shiny teeth  
An SUV and suburban streets  
Brand new bed and shiny sheets  
The more I got the more I need  

You know what I really need?  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars.  

Gotta have more – the good old stuff just ain’t good enough  
I need more – get me some of that new stuff  
Gotta get more – my good old stuff just ain’t good enough  
I need more – but first I need some of that green stuff . . .  

Gotta Gotta Gotta Gotta get me some . . .  

You know what I’d really like?  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars.  
You know what I really need?  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars.  

No need to choose – just buy everything  
Brand new chest and diamond rings -  
Brand new toys and more fun things -  
Brand new pool and jacuzzi –  

You know what I gotta have people??????  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars !!!  
You know what I’d really like?  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars !!!  

I gotta million reasons why I need . . .  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars  
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars  


Coconut Monkey Head - Unreleased  

Well we're sitting on the beach Our toes are in the sand  
The sun is shining down We've got drinks in our hands  
A small breeze is blowing As the waves roll towards the shore  
Your suntan's lightly glowing Who could ask for more?  

I look over my shoulder underneath a palm tree  
There's this  large coconut kinda looks like me  
So we dress it all up, put on a little hat  
make him a body out of the sand  

Coconut monkey head (4x)  

As the sun goes down and we begin to tire  
I gather up some firewood to build a little fire  
The smell of the sea and the feel of the sand  
could make anyone quit their jobs and move to an island  

O, Coconut monkey head (4x)  

So we sleep on the beach The tide has risen high  
We watch the sun come up Through our bloodshot eyes  
But the tide has washed away the body that we made  
and all that's left is the coconut monkey head  

O, Coconut monkey head (4x)  


Black - from the CD "Pocketful of Pesos"  

One time as a child, a wise old man said to me  
I think it was an older cousin, or maybe someone with authority  
I asked him with an open mind, I asked him where the rain came from  
And he said God was crying and I thought it was something that I had done  

One time as a boy I watched my father leave my home  
And I felt my mother cry, and I never felt so alone  
I watched her tears roll down I watched her tears fall like rain  
And thought back to the time to the time when God was cryin'  

Was it something that I said – Was it something that I did?  
To make the rain come down? See it all come crashing down-  
Every time it rains – it takes me back, takes me back to the time  
when I was a child  
When I saw the tears of God. . .  

You know all the things you did as a child  
All the things you saw and felt  
Are the things that made you everything that you are now  
You know, a poet once said: The child is father of the man,  
But then that poet died – and only left behind  
was those words that he said . . .  

Now that I’m a man I try so hard to understand  
That the rain it’s not my fault – that everything, its not my fault  
Still, every time I see you cry – it takes me back to the time  
It takes me back to the time  
when I saw God cry . . .  


Like You - from the CD “EVOLVE”  

I always wanted to be like you  
The golden boy with the silver tongue  
And all the women always loved you  
They said you were the one,  
yeah, you were the one  

I always wanted to be like you  
So together all of the time  
And when we walked into a room  
It was always you that shined  

     And then I heard they found you hanging  
     By your neck from a rope in a tree  
     And then it made me stop and think how  
     You always wanted to be like me.  

We lived our lives when times were easy  
And we had some days when things got rough  
I just wish that you would have told me  
When things just got to be too tough  

     Don't you know you left us all hanging  
     In a world that is somehow changed  
     I kinda feel like I've walked in a room where  
     Everything has been re-arranged  


Rudy The Reggae Reindeer - From the CD "Tommy Rocks! (The Ukulele)  
A parody of the famous "Rudolph" song, Rudy & His Rasta Reindeer Save Old Santa from Sheriff Kerry.  

Rudy the reggae reindeer  
Had some very shiny eyes  
And if you ever saw them  
You would say he’s flying high.  

All of the other reindeer  
Would light the ganj but pass him by  
Poor little red-eyed Rudy  
Would just sit and wonder why…  

     Then one smokey Christmas Eve  
     Santa-mon came to say  
     “Rudy with your eyes so bright  
     Won’t you fly my sleigh tonight?”  

Then all the others dug him  
Then it was just “I and  I”  
The reindeer with all their dreadlocks  
Lived a very irie life.  

So Rudy the red-eyed reindeer  
Leader of de rasta tribe  
Would gather de rasta reindeer  
And fly high up in de sky  

Santa-mon would just sit back  
And smile and smoke his pipe  
With all his toys behind him  
To give to the kiddees tonight.  

     But then Sheriff Kerry pulled him down  
     And said, ”Santa-mon, what you got?”  
     But Rudy pulled out his medical card  
     And he got old Santa off!  

Then all the reindeer loved him  
Then it was just “I and I”  
The reindeer with all their dreadlocks  
Flyin' high to Zion mon  
Flyin' high to Zion mon  
Flyin' high to Zion mon!  


Chokin de Chickin (Cluck You)  - from the CD “Tommy Rocks! (The Ukulele)”  

I’ma chokin de chikin  
Chokin de chikin ... Yeah  
Chokin de chickin  
Chokin de chikin ... Yeah !  

Well, dat Mr. Rooster he’s a loud feather plucker  
Crowin right befo’ dawn  
Every sunrise when he get up  
I wanna choke dat chikin mon ~  

He be crowin’ all day and all o’ de night  
Crowin like crazy mon.  
How you figga he can keep it up?  
He be like: CROW HERE !!!!!!!  

So I be chokin De chikin  
Chokin de chikin.  Yeah!  
Chokin de chickin  
Chokin de chikin . Yeah!  

So dis is a warnin’ to you loud feather pluckers  
Ass right you want no beef wif me ~  
You an da kine betta shut up yo mouths  

               Because da nex'  ting I do I'm gonna sing it to you :  

I’M GONNA CHOKE EM:  I’m gonna choke da chickin  
I’M GONNA COOK EM:  I'm gonna cook up de chikin  
I’M GONNA SMOKE EM:  I'm gonna smoke up da chikin  
I’M GONNA FRY EM:  I'm gonna fry up de chikin  
I’M GONNA BAKE EM:  I'm gonna bake up de chikin  
I’M GONNA BROIL EM : I'm gonna broil up de chikin  
I’M GONNA ROAST EM: I'm gonna roast up de chikin  
DEN I’M GONNA EAT EM:  I'm gonna dat chikin  
    I SAY I’M GONNA EAT EM:  I'm gonna eat de chikin!  
    I’M GONNA EAT EM:  I'm gonna eat de chikin!  
    I’M GONNA EAT EM:  I'm gonna eat de chikin!  
    I’M GONNA EAT EM:  I'm gonna eat de chikin!  

I’ma chokin !  Chokin de chikin!  


Fortunate Fool - from the CD “EVOLVE”  

I'd really like to figure you out  
Climb inside your mind and spend awhile  
See all the things that you've ever seen  
Open up your drawers and dig through your dreams  

I'd like to see your life as a child  
When you used to laugh and smile  
I'd like to wipe away your little tears  
Box up and throw away your childhood fears  

     She's my honey bee  
     I love her like that  
     She's everything to me  
     I love her like that  

     She takes care of me  
     I take care of her too  
     She loves me like that  
     I'm a fortunate fool  

I wish you could climb inside my mind  
Clean up the mess I've left behind  
Throw out all the junk I don't need  
And finally, uncover the real me  

I wish you could see life through my eyes  
Come inside and spend awhile  
Walk a mile with me in my shoes  
And chase away those baby blues  

     She's my honey bee  
     I love her like that  
     She's everything to me  
     I love her like that  

     She takes care of me  
     I take care of her too  
     She loves me like that  
     I'm a fortunate fool